There are so many custom methods for sports cars, though we have conviction that the only customized model in the world = one off model should be the most valuable, greatest experience for car enthusiasts.
There is a limit to the way of expressing the customized car with a combination of commercially available parts but the one off customize can represent something in a dramatic manner.
Can you imagine the perfect fender curve & volume, perfect car height and perfect hellaflush you dreamed of ? Can you imagine the ultraexotic door mirror never seen before ? We, Mirage Auto Design can do it.
Life is a dream. If your dream has finally come true, There is no substitute for that.

We are confident to conduct an interview with our customer is the vital point.Based on the details we heard during the interview, Masamichi Uwabo himself creates an original design for the customer.
Digital design & modeling are becoming mainstream though our style is analog design with paper & pen, shaving down the clay model by hand. Our stormy passion, esthetic sense and a lot of experience make the design more exotic.
Anyway, after the design plan is decided, our special team (first-class modeler, sheet metal worker and painter)are just charging head first towards completion.
One & Onlyを実現させるワンオフカスタムは、たしかにコストも時間もかかる壮大なプランです。尽きることのない情熱、迷うことすら忘れるほどの勢い、実現させるための資金計画。ただ、何より大切なのは「世界で一台だけの愛車を造り上げたい」という強い意志です。
Much money & long hours are certainly necessary for the one-off custom. It's a really gargantuan custom project. The most important thing is the strong will to achieve the dream, one & only in the world.
We are always ready to help you and could you please feel free to ask anything by the following form.